Culture, Environment, and Argan Oil: Establishing A Geographical Indication

Argan trees, native to Morocco, are flush with vibrant, green argan fruit, which at their core posses a nut that holds a rare and precious substance: argan oil. Also known as Moroccan oil, the health and beauty benefits of this prized commodity are numerous and well-documented. The oil itself is rich in vitamins and capable of remedying a multitude of skin ailments – not to mention it is considered to be one of the most effective age-defying substances. This oil is essential to the thriving cultural community of the Moroccan people who for hundreds of years have worked hard to obtain this treasured material. It’s medicinal uses represent only a portion of its benefit – it has also been utilized for food, fuel, and other purposes. Maintaining a geographical indication for this oil is crucial to those who have spent generations living off its aid. Differentiating argan oil products derived via traditional Moroccan methods from oil acquired from other parts of the world is essential to the continued well-being of the Moroccan people.

The Importance of Establishing a Geographical Indication for Argan Oil
As demand for Moroccan oil increases, concerns have arisen over the Berbers people’s ability to produce enough to satisfy the needs of consumers. Allowing Moroccans to hold a monopoly on the substance isn’t the point, though. Rather, the point is to allow argan oil derived traditionally from the argan trees in Morocco to be labeled as the original and most authentic source. This allows consumers seeking the highest quality oil to know that when they purchase certain products, they’re getting the absolute best.

Why is this important? There are many reasons. First, as argan oil increases in popularity, it also increases the likelihood for deceptive duplication of the product. Visitors to Morocco and those without any real knowledge of what the substance feels, looks, smells, and tastes like are duped into purchasing adulterated products. Establishing a geographical indication for this oil takes money out of the pockets of imitators and gives it to the people who work hard to farm the substance.

Second, allowing capital to flow to those who rightfully deserve it ensures that they will continue to grow as a culture, while also maintaining less of an impact on the environment. Because this oil is primarily derived via traditional methods (i.e. not from industrial machines), argan forests are less likely to be wiped out due to popular demand for the product. Instead, Berber women have formed into cooperatives that make use of both traditional and modern methods of extracting oil. Coupling modern technology has allowed for greater extraction of argan oil from a smaller amount of argan nuts, which has, in turn, been a boon to the environment. What’s more, these cooperatives also provide Berber women with important skills, like reading, writing, and business practices, which is essential to any culture and community.